
Describe your Nimrod builds as tasks

Install with babel install nake

import nake

  ExeName = "my_app"
  BleedingEdgeFeatures = "-d:testFeature1 -d:testFeature2"

task "debug-build", "Build with unproven features":
  if shell("nimrod c", BleedingEdgeFeatures, "-d:debug", ExeName):
    ## zip up files or do something useful here?

task "run-tests":
  # ...
nimrod c -r nakefile test-build
## or if you already compiled the nakefile
./nakefile test-build

Nake has its own nakefile, it will build nake as a binary is just a shortcut for nimrod c -r nakefile $ARGS ```sh cd ~/.babel/libs/nake nimrod c -r nakefile install

boring ^

cd ~/my-project nake debug-build

wow look at the convenience (!!)

Generated by Midnight dynamite: 2015-05-02 20:55:35 UTC