Module nake

Documentation for the nake module. These are the procs and macros you can use to define and run tasks in your nakefiles.


PTask* = ref object 
  desc*: string
  action*: TTaskFunction
TTaskFunction* = proc ()


proc runTask*(name: string) {.inline.}

Runs the specified task.

You can call this proc to chain other tasks for the current task and avoid repeating code. Example:

import nake, os


task "docs", "generates docs for module":
  echo "Generating " & moduleHtml
  direShell "nimrod", "doc", moduleNim

task "install_docs", "copies docs to " & docInstallDir:
  echo "Copying documentation to " & docInstallDir
  copyFile(moduleHtml, docInstallDir / moduleHtml)
proc shell*(cmd: varargs[string, `$`]): bool {.discardable.}

Invokes an external command.

The proc will return false if the command exits with a non zero code.

proc cd*(dir: string) {.inline.}

Changes the current directory.

The change is permanent for the rest of the execution. Use the withDir template if you want to perform a temporary change only.

proc shell*(cmd: varargs[string, `$`]): bool
proc direShell*(cmd: varargs[string, `$`]): bool {.discardable.}
Like shell() but quits if the process does not return 0
proc cd*(dir: string)


template task*(name: string; description: string; body: stmt): stmt {.immediate.}

Defines a task for nake.

Pass the name of the task, the description that will be displayed to the user when nake is invoked, and the body of the task. Example:

import nake

task "bin", "compiles all binaries":
  for binName in binaries:
    echo "Generating " & binName
    direShell "nimrod", "c", binName
template withDir*(dir: string; body: stmt): stmt
Changes the current directory temporarily.
withDir "foo":
  # inside foo
#back to last dir