Module nakelib

Reusable module for the nake module.

This nakelib module implements all of nake's functionality except some magic code at the end of the nake module which registers a quit procedure when imported to turn the program into a runnable nakefile.

Import this module instead of nake if you want to use any of its procs without affecting your program execution.


NakeTask* = ref object 
  desc*: string
  action*: NakeAction
Defines a task with a description and action.
NakeAction* = proc ()

Type for the actions associated with a task name.

Used in NakeTask objects.

NakeTaskLister* = proc ()

Type for the proc which prints out the list of available tasks.

Assigned to the listTasks global.


tasks* = initOrderedTable[string, NakeTask](32)

Holds the list of defined tasks.

Use the task() template to add elements to this variable.

validateShellCommands* = false
Set this global to true if you want the shell() and direShell() procs to ask the user for confirmation before executing a command.
nimExe*: string

Full path to the Nim compiler binary.

You can use this in your code to avoid having to hardcode the path to the compiler. The path is obtained at runtime. First the nim binary is probed, and if that fails, the older nimrod is searched for backwards compatibility. Example:

if "nake.html".needsRefresh("nake.nim"):
  echo "nake.nim -> nake.html"
  direShell nimExe, "doc2", "--verbosity:0", "--index:on", "nake.nim"
listTasks*: NakeTaskLister = listTasksImpl

Holds the proc that is used by default to list available tasks to the user.

You can call the proc held here inside your defaultTask task to tell the user about available options if your default task doesn't have anything to do. You can assign to this var to provide another implementation, the default is listTasksImpl(). Example:

import nake, sequtils

nake.listTasks = proc() =
  ## only lists the task names, no descriptions
  echo "Available tasks: ", toSeq(nake.tasks.keys).join(", ")

task defaultTask, "lists all tasks":

Here is an alternative version which blacklists tasks to end users. They may not be interested or capable of running some of them due to extra development dependencies:

const privateTasks = ["dist", defaultTask, "testRemote", "upload"]

nake.listTasks = proc() =
  echo "Available tasks:"
  for taskKey in nake.tasks.keys:
    # Show only public tasks.
    if taskKey in privateTasks:
    echo "\t", taskKey


defaultTask* = "default"
String with the name of the default task nake will run if you define it and the user doesn't specify any task.


proc shell*(cmd: varargs[string, `$`]): bool {.discardable, raises: [ValueError].}

Invokes an external command.

The proc will return false if the command exits with a non zero code, true otherwise.

This proc respects the value of the validateShellCommands global.

proc direShell*(cmd: varargs[string, `$`]): bool {.discardable, 
    raises: [ValueError].}

Wrapper around the shell() proc.

Instead of returning on a non zero value like shell(), direShell() quits if the process does not return 0.

proc silentShell*(info: string; cmd: varargs[string, `$`]): bool {.discardable, 
    raises: [ValueError, OSError, Exception].}

Invokes an external command silently, informing the user about it.

The proc will return false if the command exits with a non zero code, true otherwise. This is very similar to the shell() proc, but the output of the command will be displayed only if the proc returns false, successful commands won't output anything. Since this means that the output is buffered until the command returns, for long running commands you should maybe tell the user work is being done. This can be done through the info parameter. When not nil, the info parameter will be echoed to standard output before executing cmd.

This proc respects the value of the validateShellCommands global. Example:

if not silentShell("Checking for A", "cmdA", "--version"):
  let another = silentShell("Checking for B", "cmdB", "-v")
  if not another:
    quit("Sorry, neither A nor B were found, please install one")
proc direSilentShell*(info: string; cmd: varargs[string, `$`]): bool {.
    discardable, raises: [ValueError, OSError, Exception].}

Wrapper around the silentShell() proc.

Instead of returning on a non zero value like silentShell(), direSilentShell() quits if the process does not return zero. Example:

direSilentShell(nil, "git", "--version")
direSilentShell("Building stuff", nimExe, "c", "-r", "stuff.nim")
proc cd*(dir: string) {.inline, raises: [OSError].}

Changes the current directory.

The change is permanent for the rest of the execution, since this is just a shortcut for os.setCurrentDir() . Use the withDir() template if you want to perform a temporary change only.

proc needsRefresh*(target: string; src: varargs[string]): bool {.
    raises: [OSError].}

Returns true if target is missing or src has newer modification date.

This is a convenience proc you can use in your tasks to verify if compilation for a binary should happen. The proc will return true if target doesn't exists or any of the file paths in src have a more recent last modification timestamp. All paths in src must be reachable or else the proc will raise an exception. Example:

import nake, os

  src = "prog.nim"
  exe = src.changeFileExt(exeExt)
if exe.needsRefresh(src):
  direShell nimExe, "c", src
  echo "All done!"
proc runTask*(name: string) {.inline.}

Runs the specified task.

You can call this proc to chain other tasks for the current task and avoid repeating code. Example:

import nake, os


task "docs", "generates docs for module":
  echo "Generating " & moduleHtml
  direShell nimExe, "doc", moduleNim

task "install_docs", "copies docs to " & docInstallDir:
  echo "Copying documentation to " & docInstallDir
  copyFile(moduleHtml, docInstallDir / moduleHtml)
proc listTasksImpl*()

Default implementation for listing tasks to stdout.

This implementation will print out each task and it's description to the command line. You can change the value of the listTasks global if you don't like it.


template withDir*(dir: string; body: stmt): stmt

Changes the current directory temporarily.

If you need a permanent change, use the cd() proc. Usage example:

withDir "foo":
  # inside foo
#back to last dir
template task*(name, description: string; body: stmt): stmt {.immediate.}

Defines a task for nake.

Pass the name of the task, the description that will be displayed to the user when nake is invoked, and the body of the task. Example:

import nake

task "bin", "compiles all binaries":
  for binName in binaries:
    echo "Generating " & binName
    direShell nimExe, "c", binName